Playing at North Lake park


At the North Lake park in Umatilla. The toddler area had play areas shaped like trucks and tractors for the kids to climb on. He made friends with this little girl who later invited him to play pirates. He was made the captain but didn’t know what was going on so he left.


Ben’s 2-year photos

We went to Sears today to get Ben’s 2-year-old photos taken. He put the “terrible” in “terrible twos”: hyperactive, running all around, pushing over chairs, throwing props… The photographer was very patient, and I’m sure a few more gray hairs popped up! But we were able to get a few good shots:


To view all, go to: Sears Photos. Session ID: 114576, password: P3YNP


Edible play dough

We made edible play dough – Ben’s never played with play dough and we weren’t sure he wouldn’t eat it. Yes, store-bought playdough is non-toxic but that doesn’t mean it’s ok to eat. So using this edible playdough recipe, we had some fun:


Lake Jem Park

We went to the park today. A new park, one that is clean…


Milestones for us to work on

Milestone chart: 25 to 30 months

Reviewed by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board

Child’s Age

Mastered Skills (most kids can do)

Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)

Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)
25 and 26 months Stacks six blocks
Walks with smooth heel-to-toe motion
Uses pronouns (e.g., I, me, you)
Washes and dries own hands
Speaks clearly most of the time
Draws a vertical line
27 and 28 months Jumps with both feet
Opens doors
Understandsdescriptions (e.g., big, soft)
Draws a vertical line
Starts to recognizeABCs
Balances on one foot
29 and 30 months Brushes teeth with help
Washes and dries own hands
Draws a vertical line
Draws a circle
Balances on one foot
Puts on a T-shirt
Names one color
Names one friend