Category Archives: Baby photos
Pirate Benjamin! 1/12/15
Christmas Eve, 2014, at Nana’s
Gingerbread house, Dec. 2014
Blake performs surgery
For a while Blake used to perform surgery on Ben to remove weird items. In this particular procedure, Ben needs a rubber ducky and small turtle excised from his abdomen. March 2014
Disney Cruise
Disney Cruise with Granny and Grandpa Fisher, Feb. 2014
Nana & Grandpa Davies
Nana Brenda and Grandpa Tom visited in Feb. 2014:
- Ben & Nana
- Ben & Nana
- Trike riding on our neighbor’s driveway
- Trike riding on our neighbor’s driveway
- Trike riding on our neighbor’s driveway
- Drinking & driving…
- Drinking & driving…
- Nana attempts an intervention on Ben’s driving & driving
- Ben’s drinking & driving causes a crash
- Walking away from the scene of the crash…