Christmas cookies December 15, 2013 | Chantel Jenna invited us over to frost some Christmas cookies. Ben had a lot of fun and decorated (and ate) a few of his own.
Swimming in December December 15, 2013 | Chantel While people around the country were freezes their butts of in early December 2013, we filled up the kiddy pool and went swimming.
Make-believe as a doctor December 15, 2013 | Chantel I got Ben a doctor’s kit and he proceeded to listen to my heart, take my pulse and reflexes, and then scribble down some notes in my chart.
Alligator December 15, 2013 | Chantel In one of the ponds in our neighborhood there’s a small alligator. On a walk, we saw the alligator and showed him to Ben.
Chocolate mustache December 15, 2013 | Chantel I couldn’t help but take this photo of Ben with a chocolate mustache.
Orlando Science Museum again December 15, 2013 | Chantel We went to the Orlando Science Museum again. We played in the exhibits again and then saw Dispicable Me 2 in 3D. Ben seemed to have a lot of fun.