Hollywood Studios 4-21-13

On April 21, 2013, we went to Disney’s Hollywood Studios.


Epcot Center 2013

On April 12 we went to Epcot Center. My friend and co-worker Jenna joined us.


In advance of our Disney trips, Blake measured Ben to see if he could go on “big kid” rides. He was about 39″, about an inch short to go on most rides – and he’s only 2!



Ben’s new friend Diego

At work, I chaperoned a group of teens at a local carnival. One of the vendors was selling blow-up Diego’s and Dora’s. It’s hard to find Diego memorabilia so I nabbed one:













I’m glad I did because Ben loved it!


Making tin foil “robots”

I found this website with 30+ Craft Activities for Toddler Boys. Ben and I tried Tin Foil Monsters (or Robots):


  • Tin foil
  • Crayons
  • Toothpicks for arms/legs


What it was supposed to look like:


How we did:











Making the robot monsters:

Links to other toddler activities:

25 Things to Do with a Wiggly Toddler Boy

Toddler Activities

Pre-Toddler Activities


Making chocolate

He is to the make-believe phase and it’s so cute! He’s carrying around a plastic ice cream cone and stirring the “chocolate” with a foam spoon. Occasionally he asks us to try it or taste it. Very imaginary yummy!