Ben’s 2nd birthday

Ben turned 2 on November 16. We celebrated on November 17 with a small group of friends and family that Ben was well acquainted with and who would deluge him with attention since he doesn’t really have any birthday-celebrating friends his own age. Thanks to all who attended and made Ben feel like the special birthday boy that he was.

We were a month late in taking Ben to his 2-year checkup, but better late than never. Stats:

  • Height: 36.75″ (98th percentile) – he’s tall!
  • Weight: 32 lbs.(ish) (75th percentile) – he’s big, but ok compared to his height!
  • He’s at or above all milestones – woo!

Birthday Party Photos:

Belated birthday gift – Braille/sign language wooden blocks:

20121221_194231 20121221_194246 20121221_194327 20121221_194332 20121221_194456 20121221_194500



Cataloging more words Ben says

38. Bob

39. Monkey

40. Mouth

41. Nose

42. Ear

43. Welcome

44. Baby

45. Bath

46. Hat

47. Elmo

48. Mickey

49. Color

50. Block

51. Bed

52. Eat

53.  Dinner

54. Balloon

55. Nope

56. Hand

57. Walk

58. Play

59. Off

60. Trash

61. Book

62. Help

63. Me

64. Poop

65. Poddy

66. Brush

67. Candy



Up please.

Gabba Gabba on please.

Dora on please.

Help please.

More water/juice/milk.


Legoland 10/21/12

Today we went to Legoland in Winter Haven. Ben loved it because it’s geared to youngsters, with a special part of the park just for playing with duplos (the blocks for those Ben’s age) plus a bunch of rides Ben could go on. Included in the photos below are photos of various Lego creations, like cities in Miniland constructed with Legos, animals on the safari ride. Also included are pretty photos of what remains of Cypress Gardens (Legoland was built on Cypress Gardens property, converting Florida’s oldest theme park to Florida’s newest). Enjoy – we did!



Other recent photos