Vacation to New Orleans & San Antonio

Ben’s first road trip! Unfortunately, shortly before we left, he discovered the art of the temper tantrum. Plus he was cutting two canine teeth. So…

ROAD TRIP + NEW TEMPER + TEETHING SHARP TEETH = disgruntled child not easily calmed down

We went on a trip to New Orleans and San Antonio, to spend time with Blake’s aunt and dad respectively. It was a lot of fun and we are grateful to those family members that tolerated us. 🙂 We discovered that we can no longer take Ben out to restaurants; too antsy and impatient nowadays.


Trip to Magic Kingdom 5-11-12

We didn’t take as many photos this time around… it was so packed there. Blake and I had fun pin trading – we are addicted now. I rented an audio descriptive device for someone with a visual impairment so I could test it for work. It was a lot of fun and made most of the attractions more fun. Ben seemed to enjoy himself as well.


First haircut

Ben’s rat tail got so long you could make a ponytail out of it, and no matter how we brushed his hair, it was always a mess. So last night I grabbed the scissors. I underestimated the effect of scissors + wiggle worm, so he got a less than wonderful hair cut but at least he looks like he has human parents instead of wolf ones.


OCD or just good at matching?

I think Ben has a little OCD, or it’s just part of his development… he goes into his room, picks up two matching things, and brings them out… like two 6s, or two Weebles. He’s also matches colors.

Blake’s a little OCD so it may be hereditary. 🙂



At Target, Granny (Blake’s mom) bought Ben a cute hat. He loved wearing it throughout the store (photos), but when we got home he wanted nothing to do with it (video).