Ben’s 3rd birthday

Yesterday was Ben’s 3rd birthday. Let’s re-cap his awesome day: what he said he wanted, he got. We started the day with reading the Tickle Monster book:


Then Ben wanted to paint. This was a particularly creative painting session, with pieces he called “Alien from Space,” “A Little Tickle Monster looking for a big tickle monster,” and more:

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Then Ben picked out his clothes for the day:


Then Ben’s favorite breakfast of pancakes and blueberries:

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Then off to Chuck E. Cheese. First we had lunch:

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Then we played games:

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In the middle of games, we had birthday cake:

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He had a love affair with his fork while eating his cake:

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Then we opened presents:

Then we went to Toys R Us because Ben is a member of the birthday club:

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Then we had dinner at Moe’s:


Then, after a wardrobe change, Ben picked out ice cream at Cold Stone: chocolate with M&Ms and gummy bears:

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Then we went home. Jenna came over and brought Ben some gifts of clothes (very nice stuff!). Ben opened two birthday cards that came in the mail: one from his great uncle Sean and one from his GGMa and GGPa Shafer. Thank you all for help to make his day special! All in all, we think he had a fun day. Now we look forward to what this year will bring for Ben and our little family.

Ben flosses for the first time

Today Ben and I read “Dora Goes to the Dentist” on his Kindle. In the book, the dentist flosses Dora’s teeth and encourages Dora’s mom to help Dora floss at home. The first-time parent in me came out: I’m suppose to help him floss? Of course I am! So tonight before bed, I flossed his teeth for the first time. I anticipated a bloody battle (since it was the first time flossing). But he was very well behaved and no blood, which I think is a sign of healthy gums. He then brushed his teeth like a champ. We’re getting to the point of needing to start using floride toothpaste…

Quotable Ben

This week Ben said two amazing quotable quotes:

French fries are thirsty for ketchup.

They kicked a turtle and that’s not nice. Turn this off!

That second quote was in response to an old Disney movie, Three Musketeers, and I’m proud of his respect for animals.

Ben’s new white board

Ben’s “uncle” Mike (daddy’s BFF, not great uncle Mike) bought Ben this dry erase easel for his birthday. Ben loves to color on daddy’s white board, but daddy needs it for work. Ben loves his white board. Thanks Mike!

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Planning for Ben’s birthday

We do celebrate birthdays and this year we will be taking Ben to Chuck E. Cheese’s. The past two years we had a small party at our house but now that Ben is getting to a point where he can be actively involved in the celebration, we wanted to have something fun for him. Which cake should we get for Ben’s 3rd birthday? Considering it’ll only be the three of us celebrating at Chuck E. Cheese… We were going to get the one with Dora and Diego in their cars but it costs $60 and feeds 40 people. Um, no.

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