Blake performs surgery
For a while Blake used to perform surgery on Ben to remove weird items. In this particular procedure, Ben needs a rubber ducky and small turtle excised from his abdomen. March 2014
Disney Cruise
Disney Cruise with Granny and Grandpa Fisher, Feb. 2014
Nana & Grandpa Davies
Nana Brenda and Grandpa Tom visited in Feb. 2014:
- Ben & Nana
- Ben & Nana
- Trike riding on our neighbor’s driveway
- Trike riding on our neighbor’s driveway
- Trike riding on our neighbor’s driveway
- Drinking & driving…
- Drinking & driving…
- Nana attempts an intervention on Ben’s driving & driving
- Ben’s drinking & driving causes a crash
- Walking away from the scene of the crash…
Ben’s 3 year photos
Taken at jcpenny in Daytona Beach. They are all amazing!
Ben gets new tools
Great-grandma Barbara’s 80th birthday
Deland. January 2014
Like father, like son
December 2013
Daddy’s 29th birthday
At Red Robin in Brandon, Fla. For Blake’s birthday. December 2013.
Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI) in Tampa. For Blake’s birthday. December 2013.