So, apparently there aren’t any eco-friendly car seats, short of getting a used one which isn’t recommended given all the recalls on various brands. The best we can do is with whichever one we get, we need to air it out for as long as possible prior to putting baby in it.
Blake and I looked at a few at Target and I decided we should definitely get one that converts from an infant car seat to a toddler one. From there, we have several options. After walking down the car seat aisle, wantonly punching the seats to gauge the cushioning, this one seems the coolest:
However, this may be the only thing I’m not picky about. Assuming the car seat meets these criteria, brand doesn’t matter:
- Convertible from infant to toddler
- Not part of a current recall
- Side impact protection
If anyone sees or hears about a cooler seat, let me know.