9 Month Checkup

Blake and his mom took Ben for his nine-month check up. His stats are:

  • Height: 29.5″
  • Weight: 19.6 lbs.
  • Head circumference: 18″


According to this growth percentile calculator, Ben is in the following percentiles:

  • Length = between percentile 75 and 90
  • Weight = between percentile 25 and 50
  • Head Circumference = in percentile 50

Meaning he’s taller than most, thinner than average, and has an average sized head – like usual.


His two bottom teeth are mostly in. And he has two top teeth that are breaking through – those things are big!


In terms of clothes, he’s now in 12 month stuff, 18 months if we’re talking onesies. I’m trying to predict what size he’ll be in when it gets cold in a couple months, and also on his birthday. I’m guessing 18 month stuff.


Best. Ben. Photo. Ever.

My sleeping beauty:


Nine month milestones

Below is a chart of milestones that Ben needs to be achieving. He’s doing well with the Mastered and Emerging skills and he’s working on the Advanced for a 9-month old. He can also do several of the tasks identified for older babies. He’ll figure it all out though… we all do!

One new thing we’ve started – he’s on the Your Baby Can Read program. He’s almost through his first month and while he’s not reading Shakespeare yet, he is babbling more and definitely at least showing an interest.

One of his favorite toys right now is actually a sippy cup. 🙂

Child’s Age
Mastered Skills (most kids can do)

Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)

Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)
9 months Stands while holding onto something
Jabbers or combines syllables
Understands object permanence
Cruises while holding onto furniture
Drinks from a sippy cup
Eats with fingers
Bangs objects together
Plays patty-cake and peek-a-boo
Says “mama” or “dada” to the correct parent
10 months Waves goodbye
Picks things up withpincer grasp
Crawls well, with belly off the ground
Says “mama” or “dada” to the correct parent
Indicates wants with gestures
Stands alone for a couple of seconds
Puts objects into a container
11 months Says “mama” or “dada” to the correct parent
Plays patty-cake and peek-a-boo
Stands alone for a couple of seconds
Understands “no” and simple instructions
Puts objects into a container
Says one word besides “mama” or “dada”
Stoops from standing position
12 months Imitates others’ activities
Indicates wants with gestures
Takes a few steps
Says one word besides “mama” or “dada”
Walks alone
Scribbles with a crayon
Says two words besides “mama” or “dada”

Ben at Granny and Grandpappy-o Fishers’

With Blake back in school, Ben is back with Blake’s parents a few days a week (thank you!). Here are some photos of them together. The best one is of Ben helping Granny Lauren with laundry (which really means he picks something out of the laundry basket and shakes it about).


Being a woman is not fair.

It’s obvious that having a baby is harder on the woman because she carries the baby and pushes it out. But what I never anticipated was how much childbirth would have changed my body afterward.

  1. I shed like a dog! The drain is constantly clogged because I didn’t shed for 10 months while pregnant.
  2. My skin is drier. I get these brown dry spots that I have to scrub off to look less like a leper.
  3. My breakouts are worse. I’ve been prone to acne since puberty had a seizure on my face. Since having Ben, it’s been just as bad.
  4. Oh the hormones! The mood swings, the stress, the resentment… woe is me (sometimes).
  5. The female anatomy is… different.
  6. Breast feeding makes me sooo hungry! I don’t know how women lose weight while breastfeeding. I’m always STARVING. Combine that with my working full-time+ and I don’t have time to lose weight.
Being a woman is not fair.

Big boy blocks

Yesterday Ben got a pack of foam squares to make blocks. We made a mess last night: