Ben feeds himself

In looking at all the food on baby aisle of Target, the next step up of food requires Ben to be able to chew food with his back gums and feed himself. So this weekend we introduced Ben to Baby Mum Mum crackers to help him start to chew food and feed himself. And it worked! He loves them. They’re these little cracker things that are flash frozen, like astronaut food, so they dissolve easily to avoid choking hazards. They are sticky though and Ben’s been making a mess of himself. But it’s fun regardless.


First beach day

Today we went to Flagler Beach with some friends and Bem got to dip his feet in the ocean. He was not a fan!



Ben is 6 months old!

He can sit up on his own. He now sits in high chairs at restaurants. He’s been eating food for a few months. He scoots (a precursor to crawling I think). No teeth yet but soon. He approx. 17 pounds. His next doctor’s appointment is on Friday – I’m interested to see how tall he is. We saw another baby at a restaurant yesterday. She was half Ben’s size but 9 months old.


5 months!

Ben is now 5 months old. So far he loves green beans and bananas, hates carrots, and tolerates apples. He’s pretty happy baby.


Align probiotics

I didn’t know that after having a baby, bowel movements are very difficult. (That may or may not have been something someone told me while I was pregnant that I ignored – see previous post.) All I’ll say is that for over a month after delivery, going #2 was more painful than childbirth, and I had Ben without drugs!

I know it’s not a glamorous topic of discussion, but if you suffer from digestive issues, such as difficulty going, pain, etc. I strongly recommend Align. Until I started taking Align daily, I was not a happy camper. Doctors had given me all kinds of laxatives and nothing worked until Align. It’s not cheap, like $20 a month, but it’s so worth it.

The probiotics also helped Ben through my breastmilk.

There, end of gross post.