The Mom Club

When I was pregnant, it drove me crazy whenever someone, usually a woman, would share their experiences and advice. You have to politely feign interest and gratitude, all the while thinking, “Well that was you.” I’d be rolling my eyes (in my head) and counting down the seconds until this uninvited bonding time was over. I didn’t want to hear about how hard it was going to be, or what a blessing it is, or hear “Just you wait!” It was my body, my experience, and I was going to be a different kind of mom so their advice just didn’t apply.

And I know I wasn’t not the only pregnant woman who felt that way. In fact, I’d wager that when you’re pregnant, the last thing you want to do is swap horror stories or bond over your changing body, unless it was with someone who was pregnant at the same time. Then it’s different because you’re both in the same boat at the same time.

And I suppose that was why I didn’t know that the first few weeks are terrible after delivery, breastfeeding sucks at the beginning, co-sleeping isn’t as taboo as docs make you think, etc. I was only pretending to listen to the veteran moms.

However, now that I’ve had Ben, I can’t help but spout advice to all pregnant or wanna-be-pregnant women I encounter. “The first two weeks after the baby are the worst!” Or “Breast feeding is excruciating at the beginning but you get used to it!” I can’t help it. It’s like diarrhea of the mouth! Since I’ve been through it, I just want to help a sista out. Which I guess is what all the women are doing when they were giving me advice.

I guess once you’ve been through the “marathon of labor” and are a seasoned athlete of sorts, you join a sorority called “The Mom Club” in which you want that bonding time with other mothers. It’s no longer unwelcome to discuss the messiness of breastfeeding, or the gray hairs taking over your head. Baby farts and bowel movements are hilarious. And a rack of clearance baby clothes mustn’t go un-perused!

So if you’re pregnant now, be nice – you’ll be part of the club soon enough.


Ben hates food

So Ben officially hates carrots. And apples. And bananas. Basically, he’s not really into food. So we’re back to just the boob, and rice cereal when he’s in the mood for that.


Fun with carrots

Today we introduced carrots! He didn’t like them by themselves, but this evening I mixed them with his cereal and he liked them fine.


First meal

Last night Ben had his first meal: organic rice cereal. He was underwhelmed by the experience.

Because he is thin for his height, the doctor told us to start feeding him so he’ll get some in the morning at Ganny’s and some before bed. Scary that I’m in charge of someone else’s nutrition – I can’t even manage my own!


4 month check-up

Ben went to the doc today. He is 14 lbs. 6 oz. (50th percentile) and 27″ long (off the charts tall). The doc gave us the ok to introduce foods, especially because he’s so tall.

He got a bunch more shots but he handled them well – only a little crying.

He’s doing good though. We were able to answer “yes” to all the milestones for 4 months. And just this morning he began to roll from his back to his tummy, so now he can roll both ways – 6 month or so milestone.


Changing a baby in public

Going just about anywhere with a small child can be difficult, especially when you need to change diapers. In my 4 months with Ben, I’ve had the best and worst luck at the following places:

The family restroom at IKEA

They have a large family restroom with stimulating wall decor, a chair comfortable for nursing, free diapers, and they offer bottle warming at their restaurant. They also offer free stroller rentals.

2. Babies R Us
They have changing room/nursing area that is separate from a bathroom. It’s cozy and offers privacy.

3. Target
They have a family restroom with plenty space to do the dirty work. Family restrooms are important when Blake is doing the diaper changes – apparently men’s rooms don’t consistently have changing tables.


Not so good
1. Taco Bell and Wendy’s
At one I had to change a nasty diaper in my lap and the other on the floor because there was no changing table available, although the restroom had ample space.

2. Moe’s
They have a changing table but the one I went had such dim lighting I had to get way too close to the mess I was changing just to see it.


Weekend with the Shafers

I’m a week late posting these photos – sorry!

Last weekend, Ben got to meet his great grandparents Myrna and Shaf, or GGMa and GGPA as they called themselves, and got to spend some more time with grandpa Tim and uncle Brett. We all had a great time. We gave Myrna and Shaf a recordable story book for them to read and record and send back so Ben can be read to by them as long as the batteries last, and then for even longer once we change the batteries!



Bath time!

We have some baby hooded towels but Ben prefers the grown up ones for bath time! We bathe him Monday, Wednesday and Friday. He used to hate bath time but now he actually likes it. When we get him on the changing table to dress him, he kicks around and eats the towel. Kinda cute.